R.J. Evens

The Works

So far, none of the work is posted. I am still setting up the site and deciding what I should throw up here, and what I should send to publishers, etc. Once I start posting officially, news will be posted here.

However, as for what you can expect being up here, it varies by form.

Poetry: I am heavily influenced by the Romantic and Victorian era, but enjoy using modern language and trying to find ways to express old myths in ways that your average reader will enjoy. Old folklore plays a key role in my poetry, though sometimes I will veer off for more political pieces, or more psychological/supernatural feel.I also like experimenting with forms, so rarely will you see a piece with no rhyme or reason to it's layout.

Short Stories: My short stories are rarely straight up fantasy, and fall under psychological pieces with a touch of horror and supernatural at times. With these I like to focus very strongly on the human mind, and the human spirit.

Novels: I will definitely be posting excerpts of my works up here once I get them to a point where I could feel like they are ready for the public. My Novels tend to be more straight-up fantasy, mostly of the Urban Fantasy subgenre.